It’s that time of year again! As the temperatures start to climb above freezing we’re starting to look towards the 2019 summer season. To help you get started with your preparations we’ve compiled a quick list of things you can do so that you’re ready for the season when it starts!

1.     If you don’t already play, but always wanted to, make this year the year that you learn to play! Sign up for one of our learn to play introductory clinics. No experience necessary! 



2.     Even if you do know how to play, start to think about sharpening those polo skills for the summer. Come out to stick and ball or even book a lesson to refresh your riding and polo skills before the season starts. There’s nothing worse than not enjoying the first few games of the summer because you’re too rusty, knock off the winter cobwebs and get riding!



3.     Speaking of rusty (more like musty) dig out your equipment and start to get it in tip top shape for the season. Yeah that’s right, air out your bag if you haven’t opened it since last fall (get ready for some ripe smells), polish the mold off your boots, and get your mallet collection ready



4.     Take up yoga, or at the very least get stretching and working those polo muscles so you’ll be able to bounce into the saddle like you never left! 



5.     Start with a foot mallet. Dust off your foot mallet and start to practice that polo swing with a little stick and ball foot mallet styleor maybe even play a little foot mallet game with a fellow player. Some say it’s one of the best ways to work on your swing and coordination second only to saddle time



6.     If you’re feeling the need to up your fitness before the season, imagine how your ponies feel! As the temperatures start to get warmer pull your ponies out of the field, brush off those winter coats and get to exercising them. It’ll be a contest to see who can get fit faster; you or your horse! 



7.     Surf the internet and start shopping for deals on white pants…a polo player can never have too many whites 

8.     Refresh yourself on the rules of polo, whether that means finding yourself a copy of the USPA rule book or searching You Tube for some refresher rules videos start to remind yourself of all those pesky rules you thought you had mastered last summer, and make sure you know your way around any new rules they might have added over the winter


 9.     Brush up on your Spanish, so you’ll be ready to talk to the grooms and understand just what your pro wants you to do out on the field!

10.  Get excited! If pulling out your equipment, exercising your ponies and getting yourself mentally and physically prepared for the season doesn’t do it for you then maybe try watching some high goal polo to get yourself into the mood.

See you on the field!
